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"I loved that Patti was nonjudgmental and relatable."

Life before I started working with Patti was chaotic. I was working full-time, going to school full-time, trying to manage a household, and care for my young family. I initially thought that I would set goals to re-incorporate fitness back into my life, however, Patti helped me realize that my priorities were not aligned with fitness goals. Thanks to Patti, I was able to set realistic goals that were important to me. Patti helped me take charge of the chaos and find real ways to improve my busy life and find structure and routine, which is just what I needed. Patti was very personable and professional. We worked through some exercises that helped me prioritize my goals and values, which facilitated a focused approach for our coaching experience. I loved that Patti was nonjudgmental and relatable. With Patti’s coaching, I was able to be more organized and intentional with busy weekday plans, shopping, and meals. I was more thoughtful and effective with my time management.I have gained new insights into what is most important to me and methods for planning ahead and being more structured to mitigate the day-to-day anxieties of being a working mom and student. I would recommend Patti’s coaching to anyone that could benefit from a nonjudgmental coach that strives to meet clients where they are at, find what matters to them most, and help them achieve their goals.​

- Abby H. 

"I highly recommend Patti if you are looking for impactful changes in your life. Her individualized approach sets all her clients up for success!"

I worked with Patti for 3 months. In that time, she was able to identify several areas of opportunity I could improve on. Not only my physical health but my environment and mental health.  Something that really helped me was removing my TV from my bedroom, which allowed me to turn off my mind and to be able to get a full night's rest.  

We were also able to identify my food triggers and by eliminating these has overall helped me with my health-I feel better mentally and physically. I also started the whole 30 diet and that has not only allowed me to lose weight but also satisfy my food needs/wants without me feeling sick or bloated. I have learned so much about my health and lifestyle. I am continuing my health journey and continue to lose weight I have always wanted to lose without a strict, crazy lifestyle. I highly recommend Patti if you are looking for impactful changes in your life. Her individualized approach sets all her clients up for success!   


"Identifying your own solutions often creates a different level of accountability to yourself!


Prior to meeting with Patti, I was juggling school, work, a family, planning a wedding, trying to get in shape… it was a lot! I often felt overwhelmed with the number of things I needed to get done each day.  Meeting with Patti allowed me to do a better job breaking down my goals, so they were measurable and attainable.  Her series of questioning taught me how to identify what areas I needed to work on create my own solutions.  When venting to a friend, your friend often suggests things that worked for them which is helpful.  However, identifying your own solutions often creates a different level of accountability to yourself. There were some weeks that I met the goals I had set and some weeks I didn’t.  The weeks I didn’t meet my goals, Patti would help me identify why I could meet the goal and ask if I need to adjust it to something more reasonable or to try a different approach so I could reach it.  Patti was very easy to talk to, down to earth, and very relatable.  I think her coaching style could be beneficial to anyone no matter what area of their life they are looking to grow in. 

-Jill E.

 "It was great to not feel like I was being told what I should do versus what I wanted to do"



Before I started my coaching sessions with Patti I found out that I was pregnant with baby number 2. My house was a bit chaotic and so was work. I wanted something to help me focus on things I needed to do to help myself. I felt like I was missing something. We started our sessions and I wasn't really sure what to expect. I love how I felt like I was talking to a friend and someone who was not going to judge me for my opinions or feelings. We started by creating goals for me to accomplish for the week. Those Goals were ones that I made and it made me feel more empowered to get them completed each week. It was great to not feel like I was being told what I should do versus what I wanted to do. The goals we set were accomplishable ones that help make me feel more empowered. I have continued to set small goals for myself each week which has helped decrease the chaos at work and at home. I feel more empowered and have a more positive outlook on myself after doing these coaching sessions.I loved working with Patti. She was kind, compassionate, and great at listening. I felt free to say what I needed to say and I knew that I wouldn't be judged for anything that I would say. She helped empower me to see the value in creating my own goals. I felt like we were both very open with each other and she helped me put feelings I was having into a different perspective which I definitely needed. I would say the biggest benefit  was able to take from this coaching experience was creating goals and continuing to do so. I have stuck with it since our coaching sessions and this has helped decrease the chaos in my life inside and outside of work.Patti helped me look at stressful situations and think of more than just my perspective. She helped me think about outside influences that may be affecting relationships that I have with my husband and with co-workers. This has helped me not rapidly come to conclusions on negative situations and think deeper about why someone may have reacted/responded to me in a certain way. I would absolutely recommend Patti to anyone looking for some extra support in their life. She was extremely professional but yet at the same time you felt like you were talking to a friend. It was a great experience. -Amanda K.

"Meeting with Patti has helped me look at improving my health in a different way"

Working as a nurse and having 3 kids left me feeling like I was always eating quick meals on the go and I felt like I was failing, not getting nearly enough fruits, veggies, and whole food into our diet. I’ve taken health classes and nutrition classes so it’s not like I don’t know what to do, but just finding the time and motivation was difficult. Meeting with Patti has helped me look at improving my health in a different way. She let me determine what my goals are and gave feedback how I can get there. She helped me make small goals and held me accountable to reaching those goals by meeting weekly to talk about how things were going. In the past meal planning felt overwhelming, trying to pick a meal for every day of the week. Patti has helped me make goals that were more achievable and fit into my busy schedule. Since working with Patti, I have been motivated to planning out dinner for me and my family for the week and to continue incorporating exercise at least 4 days a week. I would recommend Patti to anyone who is looking to make a change in their health and want that push in the right direction, whether it be knowing where to start or just having the accountability to make those changes.

-Jessica I.

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